Source code for fooltrader.api.technical

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import datetime
import json
import logging
import os
import re
from ast import literal_eval

import pandas as pd

from fooltrader.contract import files_contract
from fooltrader.contract.data_contract import get_future_name, KDATA_FUTURE_COL
from fooltrader.contract.files_contract import get_kdata_dir, get_kdata_path, get_exchange_cache_dir, \
    get_security_list_path, get_exchange_trading_calendar_path, adjust_source
from fooltrader.datamanager.zipdata import unzip
from fooltrader.utils import pd_utils
from fooltrader.utils.pd_utils import kdata_df_save, df_for_date_range
from fooltrader.utils.utils import get_file_name, to_time_str, drop_duplicate

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def convert_to_list_if_need(input):
    if input and "[" in input:
        return literal_eval(input)
        return input

# meta
[docs]def get_security_list(security_type='stock', exchanges=None, start_code=None, end_code=None, mode='simple', start_list_date=None, codes=None): """ get security list. Parameters ---------- security_type : str {‘stock’, 'future'},default: stock exchanges : str or list ['sh', 'sz','nasdaq','nyse','amex','shfe','dce','zce'],default: ['sh','sz'] start_code : str the start code,work with end,default:None if using codes,it would be ignored end_code : str the end code,works with start,default:None if using codes,it would be ignored mode : str whether parse more security info,{'simple','es'},default:'simple' start_list_date : Timestamp str or Timestamp the filter for start list date,default:None codes : list the exact codes to query,default:None Returns ------- DataFrame the security list """ df = pd.DataFrame() if type(exchanges) == str: exchanges = [exchanges] if not exchanges: exchanges = SECURITY_TYPE_MAP_EXCHANGES[security_type] if security_type == 'index': df = df.append(pd.DataFrame(CHINA_STOCK_SH_INDEX), ignore_index=True) df = df.append(pd.DataFrame(CHINA_STOCK_SZ_INDEX), ignore_index=True) df = df.append(pd.DataFrame(USA_STOCK_NASDAQ_INDEX), ignore_index=True) else: for exchange in exchanges: the_path = get_security_list_path(security_type, exchange) if os.path.exists(the_path): converters = None if mode == 'es' and security_type == 'stock': converters = {'code': str, 'sinaIndustry': convert_to_list_if_need, 'sinaConcept': convert_to_list_if_need, 'sinaArea': convert_to_list_if_need} if converters: df = df.append(pd.read_csv(the_path, converters=converters), ignore_index=True) else: df = df.append(pd.read_csv(the_path, dtype=str), ignore_index=True) if not df.empty > 0: df = df_for_date_range(df, start_date=start_list_date) df = df.set_index(df['code'], drop=False) df = df.sort_index() if codes: df = df.loc[codes] elif start_code and end_code: df = df[(df["code"] >= start_code) & (df["code"] <= end_code)] if security_type != 'cryptocurrency': df = df.drop_duplicates(subset='code', keep='last') return df
def _get_security_item(security_type, exchanges, code=None): """ get the security item. Parameters ---------- code : str the security code,default: None security_type : str the security type exchanges : list the exchanges Returns ------- DataFrame the security item """ df = get_security_list(security_type=security_type, exchanges=exchanges) if not df.empty: df = df.set_index(df['code']) return df.loc[code,] return None def to_security_item(security_item, exchange=None): if type(security_item) == str: if exchange: return _get_security_item('cryptocurrency', [exchange], security_item) id_match = re.match(r'(stock|index|future|cryptocurrency)_([a-z]{2,20})_([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)', security_item) if id_match: return _get_security_item(, exchanges=[], # 中国期货 if re.match(r'^[A-Za-z]{2}\d{4}', security_item): return _get_security_item(code=security_item, security_type='future', exchanges=['shfe']) # 中国股票 if re.match(r'\d{6}', security_item): return _get_security_item(code=security_item, security_type='stock', exchanges=['sh', 'sz']) # 美国股票 if re.match(r'[A-Z]{2,20}', security_item): return _get_security_item(code=security_item, security_type='stock', exchanges=['nasdaq']) return security_item # tick
[docs]def get_ticks(security_item, the_date=None, start_date=None, end_date=None): """ get the ticks. Parameters ---------- security_item : SecurityItem or str the security item,id or code the_date : TimeStamp str or TimeStamp get the tick for the exact date start_date : TimeStamp str or TimeStamp start date end_date: TimeStamp str or TimeStamp end date Yields ------- DataFrame """ security_item = to_security_item(security_item) if the_date: the_date = to_time_str(the_date) tick_path = files_contract.get_tick_path(security_item, the_date) yield _parse_tick(tick_path, security_item) else: tick_dir = files_contract.get_tick_dir(security_item) if start_date or end_date: if not start_date: start_date = security_item['listDate'] if not end_date: end_date = tick_paths = [os.path.join(tick_dir, f) for f in os.listdir(tick_dir) if get_file_name(f) in pd.date_range(start=start_date, end=end_date)] else: tick_paths = [os.path.join(tick_dir, f) for f in os.listdir(tick_dir)] for tick_path in sorted(tick_paths): yield _parse_tick(tick_path, security_item)
def _parse_tick(tick_path, security_item): if os.path.isfile(tick_path): df = pd.read_csv(tick_path) df['timestamp'] = get_file_name(tick_path) + " " + df['timestamp'] df = df.set_index(df['timestamp'], drop=False) df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index) df = df.sort_index() df['code'] = security_item['code'] df['securityId'] = security_item['id'] return df def get_available_tick_dates(security_item): dir = files_contract.get_tick_dir(security_item) return [get_file_name(f) for f in os.listdir(dir)] # kdata
[docs]def get_kdata(security_item, exchange=None, the_date=None, start_date=None, end_date=None, fuquan='bfq', source=None, level='day', generate_id=False): """ get kdata. Parameters ---------- security_item : SecurityItem or str the security item,id or code exchange : str the exchange,set this for cryptocurrency the_date : TimeStamp str or TimeStamp get the kdata for the exact date start_date : TimeStamp str or TimeStamp start date end_date : TimeStamp str or TimeStamp end date fuquan : str {"qfq","hfq","bfq"},default:"bfq" source : str the data source,{'163','sina','exchange'},just used for internal merge level : str or int the kdata level,{1,5,15,30,60,'day','week','month'},default : 'day' Returns ------- DataFrame """ # 由于数字货币的交易所太多,必须指定exchange security_item = to_security_item(security_item, exchange) source = adjust_source(security_item, source) # 163的数据是合并过的,有复权因子,都存在'bfq'目录下,只需从一个地方取数据,并做相应转换 if source == '163': the_path = files_contract.get_kdata_path(security_item, source=source, fuquan='bfq') else: the_path = files_contract.get_kdata_path(security_item, source=source, fuquan=fuquan) if os.path.isfile(the_path): df = pd_utils.pd_read_csv(the_path, generate_id=generate_id) if 'factor' in df.columns and source == '163' and security_item['type'] == 'stock': df_kdata_has_factor = df[df['factor'].notna()] if df_kdata_has_factor.shape[0] > 0: latest_factor = df_kdata_has_factor.tail(1).factor.iat[0] else: latest_factor = None if the_date: if the_date in df.index: df = df.loc[the_date:the_date, :] else: return None else: if start_date or end_date: df = df_for_date_range(df, start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date) # 复权处理 if source == '163' and security_item['type'] == 'stock': if 'factor' in df.columns: # 后复权是不变的 df['hfqClose'] = df.close * df.factor df['hfqOpen'] = * df.factor df['hfqHigh'] = df.high * df.factor df['hfqLow'] = df.low * df.factor # 前复权需要根据最新的factor往回算,当前价格不变 if latest_factor: df['qfqClose'] = df.hfqClose / latest_factor df['qfqOpen'] = df.hfqOpen / latest_factor df['qfqHigh'] = df.hfqHigh / latest_factor df['qfqLow'] = df.hfqLow / latest_factor else: logger.exception("missing latest factor for {}".format(security_item['id'])) return df return pd.DataFrame()
def get_latest_download_trading_date(security_item, return_next=True, source=None): df = get_kdata(security_item, source=source) if len(df) == 0: return pd.Timestamp(security_item['listDate']), df if return_next: return df.index[-1] + pd.DateOffset(1), df else: return df.index[-1], df def get_trading_calendar(security_type='future', exchange='shfe'): the_path = get_exchange_trading_calendar_path(security_type, exchange) trading_dates = [] if os.path.exists(the_path): with open(the_path) as data_file: trading_dates = json.load(data_file) return trading_dates def get_trading_dates(security_item, dtype='list', ignore_today=False, source='163', fuquan='bfq'): df = get_kdata(security_item, source=source, fuquan=fuquan) if dtype is 'list' and len(df.index) > 0: dates = df.index.strftime('%Y-%m-%d').tolist() if ignore_today: dates = [the_date for the_date in dates if the_date !='%Y-%m-%d')] return dates return dates return df.index def kdata_exist(security_item, year, quarter, fuquan=None, source='163'): df = get_kdata(security_item, fuquan=fuquan, source=source) if "{}Q{}".format(year, quarter) in df.index: return True return False def parse_shfe_day_data(force_parse=False): cache_dir = get_exchange_cache_dir(security_type='future', exchange='shfe',, data_type="day_kdata") the_parsed_path = os.path.join(cache_dir, 'parsed') the_parsed = [] if os.path.exists(the_parsed_path): with open(the_parsed_path) as data_file: the_parsed = json.load(data_file) if force_parse: the_dates = [f for f in os.listdir(cache_dir) if f != 'parsed' and f] else: the_dates = [f for f in os.listdir(cache_dir) if f != 'parsed' and f not in the_parsed] for the_date in the_dates: the_path = os.path.join(cache_dir, the_date)"start handling {}".format(the_path)) with open(the_path, 'r', encoding='UTF8') as f: tmp_str = the_json = json.loads(tmp_str) the_datas = the_json['o_curinstrument'] # 日期,代码,名称,最低,开盘,收盘,最高,成交量(手),成交额(元),唯一标识,前收盘,涨跌额,涨跌幅(%),持仓量,结算价,前结算,涨跌额(按结算价),涨跌幅(按结算价) KDATA_COLUMN_FUTURE = ['timestamp', 'code', 'name', 'low', 'open', 'close', 'high', 'volume', 'turnover', 'securityId', 'preClose', 'change', 'changePct', 'openInterest', 'settlement', 'preSettlement', 'change1', 'changePct1'] for the_data in the_datas: # {'CLOSEPRICE': 11480, # 'DELIVERYMONTH': '1809', # 'HIGHESTPRICE': 11555, # 'LOWESTPRICE': 11320, # 'OPENINTEREST': 425692, # 'OPENINTERESTCHG': 3918, # 'OPENPRICE': 11495, # 'ORDERNO': 0, # 'PRESETTLEMENTPRICE': 11545, # 'PRODUCTID': 'ru_f ', # 'PRODUCTNAME': '天然橡胶 ', # 'PRODUCTSORTNO': 100, # 'SETTLEMENTPRICE': 11465, # 'VOLUME': 456574, # 'ZD1_CHG': -65, # 'ZD2_CHG': -80} if not re.match("\d{4}", the_data['DELIVERYMONTH']): continue code = "{}{}".format(the_data['PRODUCTID'][:the_data['PRODUCTID'].index('_')], the_data['DELIVERYMONTH'])"start handling {} for {}".format(code, the_date)) name = get_future_name(code) security_id = "future_shfe_{}".format(code) security_list = get_security_list(security_type='future', exchanges=['shfe'])"start handling {} for {}".format(code, the_date)) security_item = {'code': code, 'name': name, 'id': security_id, 'exchange': 'shfe', 'type': 'future'} # 检查是否需要保存合约meta if security_list is not None and 'code' in security_list.columns: security_list = security_list.set_index(security_list['code'], drop=False) if code not in security_list.index: security_list = security_list.append(security_item, ignore_index=True) security_list.to_csv(get_security_list_path('future', 'shfe'), index=False) kdata_path = get_kdata_path(item=security_item, source='exchange') # TODO:这些逻辑应该统一处理 kdata_dir = get_kdata_dir(item=security_item) if not os.path.exists(kdata_dir): os.makedirs(kdata_dir) if os.path.exists(kdata_path): saved_df = pd.read_csv(kdata_path, dtype=str) saved_df = saved_df.set_index(saved_df['timestamp'], drop=False) else: saved_df = pd.DataFrame() if saved_df.empty or the_date not in saved_df.index: low_price = the_data['LOWESTPRICE'] if not low_price: low_price = 0 open_price = the_data['OPENPRICE'] if not open_price: open_price = 0 close_price = the_data['CLOSEPRICE'] if not close_price: close_price = 0 high_price = the_data['HIGHESTPRICE'] if not high_price: high_price = 0 volume = the_data['VOLUME'] if not volume: volume = 0 if type(the_data['ZD1_CHG']) == str: change = 0 else: change = the_data['ZD1_CHG'] if type(the_data['ZD2_CHG']) == str: change1 = 0 else: change1 = the_data['ZD2_CHG'] pre_close = close_price - change pre_settlement = the_data['PRESETTLEMENTPRICE'] # 首日交易 if pre_close != 0: change_pct = change / pre_close else: change_pct = 0 if pre_settlement != 0: change_pct1 = change1 / pre_settlement else: change_pct1 = 0 the_json = { "timestamp": to_time_str(the_date), "code": code, "name": name, "low": low_price, "open": open_price, "close": close_price, "high": high_price, "volume": volume, # 成交额为估算 "turnover": (low_price + open_price + close_price + high_price / 4) * volume, "securityId": security_id, "preClose": pre_close, "change": change, "changePct": change_pct, "openInterest": the_data['OPENINTEREST'], "settlement": the_data['SETTLEMENTPRICE'], "preSettlement": the_data['PRESETTLEMENTPRICE'], "change1": change1, "changePct1": change_pct1 } saved_df = saved_df.append(the_json, ignore_index=True) saved_df = saved_df.loc[:, KDATA_COLUMN_FUTURE] saved_df = saved_df.drop_duplicates(subset='timestamp', keep='last') saved_df = saved_df.set_index(saved_df['timestamp'], drop=False) saved_df.index = pd.to_datetime(saved_df.index) saved_df = saved_df.sort_index() saved_df.to_csv(kdata_path, index=False)"end handling {} for {}".format(code, the_date)) if the_date not in the_parsed: the_parsed.append(the_date) if the_parsed: result_list = drop_duplicate(the_parsed) result_list = sorted(result_list) with open(the_parsed_path, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(result_list, outfile)"end handling {}".format(the_path)) def parse_shfe_data(force_parse=False): the_dir = get_exchange_cache_dir(security_type='future', exchange='shfe') need_parse_files = [] for the_zip_file in [os.path.join(the_dir, f) for f in os.listdir(the_dir) if f.endswith('.zip') ]: dst_file = the_zip_file.replace('.zip', ".xls") if not os.path.exists(dst_file): dst_dir = the_zip_file.replace('.zip', "") os.makedirs(dst_dir) unzip(the_zip_file, dst_dir) files = [os.path.join(dst_dir, f) for f in os.listdir(dst_dir) if f.endswith('.xls') ] if len(files) == 1: os.rename(files[0], dst_file) need_parse_files.append(dst_file) if force_parse: need_parse_files = [os.path.join(the_dir, f) for f in os.listdir(the_dir) if f.endswith('.xls') ] for the_file in need_parse_files:"parse {}".format(the_file)) df = pd.read_excel(the_file, skiprows=2, skip_footer=4, index_col='合约', converters={'日期': str}) df.index = pd.Series(df.index).fillna(method='ffill') df = df.loc[:, ['日期', '前收盘', '前结算', '开盘价', '最高价', '最低价', '收盘价', '结算价', '涨跌1', '涨跌2', '成交量', '成交金额', '持仓量']] df.columns = ['timestamp', 'preClose', 'preSettlement', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'settlement', 'change', 'change1', 'volume', 'turnover', 'openInterest'] # 日期格式统一,方便导入es # df.timestamp = df.timestamp.apply(lambda x: to_time_str(x)) unique_index = df.index.drop_duplicates() security_list = get_security_list(security_type='future', exchanges=['shfe']) for the_contract in unique_index:"start handling {} in {}".format(the_contract, the_file)) security_item = {'code': the_contract, 'name': get_future_name(the_contract), 'id': 'future_{}_{}'.format('shfe', the_contract), 'exchange': 'shfe', 'type': 'future'} # 检查是否需要保存合约meta if (not security_list.empty) and ('code' in security_list.columns): security_list = security_list.set_index(security_list['code'], drop=False) if the_contract not in security_list.index: security_list = security_list.append(security_item, ignore_index=True) security_list = security_list.sort_index() security_list.to_csv(get_security_list_path('future', 'shfe'), index=False) the_df = df.loc[the_contract,] the_df['code'] = the_contract the_df['name'] = get_future_name(the_contract) the_df['securityId'] = 'future_{}_{}'.format('shfe', the_contract) the_df['changePct'] = the_df['change'] / the_df['preClose'] the_df['changePct1'] = the_df['change1'] / the_df['preSettlement'] kdata_path = get_kdata_path(item=security_item, source='exchange') # TODO:这些逻辑应该统一处理 kdata_dir = get_kdata_dir(item=security_item) if not os.path.exists(kdata_dir): os.makedirs(kdata_dir) if os.path.exists(kdata_path): saved_df = pd.read_csv(kdata_path, dtype=str) else: saved_df = pd.DataFrame() saved_df = saved_df.append(the_df, ignore_index=True) saved_df = saved_df.loc[:, KDATA_FUTURE_COL] if not saved_df.empty: kdata_df_save(saved_df, kdata_path)"end handling {} in {}".format(the_contract, the_file)) if __name__ == '__main__': print(get_kdata('ag1801', source='exchange'))